I’m lucky to have worked with some of my client families multiple times over the years. I get to take pictures of their kids again and again, and I get to know them more and more each time. That being said, I still might only see those kids a couple of times a year at most. I do my best to be a friendly face they’ll remember, but it’s not like I’m besties with every single one of these kids.

When I meet kids for the first time or when I see them again after a long time, it can sometimes take a while to break the ice and get them comfy enough to let their personalities shine through. This is especially true with kids who are naturally quiet or shy. Even the more outgoing children can suddenly clam up in the studio when they find themselves with lights shining on them and a camera in their face. No matter how nice and cool I try to be.

For kids of a certain age, typically between 5 – 12, there is one thing that I have found will ALWAYS crack a smile. It relieves any tension in the room: fart jokes.

Yep. Make a fart joke, and you’re pretty much guaranteed at least a smile, if not a laugh. Then, you ask them for their best fart joke or fart noise. Kids + competition + farts is pretty much pure gold. Works every time.

The siblings in this session were no stranger to the fart joke. They also happen to be good friends, so there was plenty of silliness. They were really easy to work with and make laugh anyway, but why waste an opportunity to make fart sounds?

Farts just seem to be the universal language of kids. Thankfully, I am well versed. I mean, because I raised two kids, so I know. That’s what I meant.

The One Strategy That Always Works with Kids I Family Photography The One Strategy That Always Works with Kids I Family Photography The One Strategy That Always Works with Kids I Family Photography The One Strategy That Always Works with Kids I Family Photography The One Strategy That Always Works with Kids I Family Photography

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