Ah, August. The leaves are turning gold and red, temperatures are cooling, and I finally have a need to wear long sleeves and boots… What’s that? Oh, right. This is TEXAS. Boots and sleeves are still firmly packed away in the closets, temperatures are still spiking into the triple digits, and if leaves are turning gold on any trees, it’s because they’re dying.

Technically fall doesn’t even start until mid-September, but because of school starting, I always tend to associate August with fall. Maybe August is more autumnal in a place like Vermont. In any case, despite generally loving the overall warmth of Texas, August is about the time I start getting antsy for cooler weather.

Until the weather changes then, I’ll keep the tank tops and sandals at the front of my closet, and the ice water handy. And in case you need help daydreaming about lower temps, here are some shots from an outdoor child photography session from cooler days. See how comfortable and not melty they are?? Soon, guys. Soon.

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